Flight Information Display
Display Advantage
LY FID(Flight Information Display) module can display at least 8 colors of red, green, blue, blue, blue, blue, white, white and black at the same time. The display area of the module shall be over 100mm high, over 90mm wide and 24 * 24 dot matrix display;
LY FID(Flight Information Display) module uses positive / negative display process panel, passengers will not see the side display white, and the display characters are clearer;
LY FID(Flight Information Display) module the back light is LED light-emitting very energy saving power consumption ≤ 3W per module;
LY FID(Flight Information Display) module has an opening rate of more than 85%, which ensures the high utilization rate of backlight, while get the same brightness but less power consumption.
LY FID(Flight Information Display)module has high-speed mobility more than 3 characters per second, so no tailed, and the response speed of LCD screen less than 3.0m/s (test at 25 ℃ condition), with signal synchronization control system , the whole large screen no flash, thus our human eye can feel soft and comfortable;
LY FID(Flight Information Display) ‘s control system can store a large number of icons and text information and support online loading of airline logo, even keep the stored information while power supply is;
LY FID(Flight Information Display) module with the function of hardware status feedback, which can provide intelligent online monitoring, timely find out display abnormalities and feed back to the upper system;
Module Specification
Tile size320*320mm
Tile Pixel Density32 x 32 pixels
LED typeSMD3535 1R1G1B
Max. Power Consumption/tile3W
Working powerDC5V
Max Colors16 bit
Optimal Viewing Angle140°/120°
Scanning Mode1/4 scan
Operating Temperature-20℃~+55℃
Drive ICLYAN6039
Signal transferCat 5 -100M, Multimode optical fibers-500M, Single-mode optical fibers-50Km